Sunday, March 1, 2009

track and feild

Well tomorow i start track. Im going try to run the 100 meter, 400meter 4 by 100 and do the long jump so hopefully i can get the events i want. Yesterday we went to the draper temple openhous it was super fun. The Jazz beat the kings pretty bad. Byu also won so my teams did pretty good. They beat Utah 50-63.


The Hurst Family said...

Nice post Jeffrey. I'm really glad you enjoyed the temple open house. I hope you have that as one of your top goals, to go to the temple and receive your own endowment and then to go back regularly for your whole life. You will have the life you want if you do this. I can promise you. Love mom

Janice {Run Far} said...

great post buddy. Track was always fun for me. I ran the 800.... ouch, and then I also ran the mile. Glad to hear you enjoyed the open house.

Horsley News said...

I really enjoyed the open house. The Celestial room was my favorite but I also liked the Baptismal Font.
Grandma Susan